HCG Maintenance Plan

HCG Maintenance Plan 

Congratulations on completing the HCG phase of the program! The next 3 weeks are crucial; this is when your body will create a new “set point.” Remember, the purpose of this phase is not to lose weight, but to maintain your last injection day weight.

Here are some guidelines for the maintenance phase:

  • Continue the 500-calories/day diet for 3 DAYS after your last injection. This is to make sure all the HCG is out of your system.
  • Increase your calories to between 1,000-1,500 a day.
  • No sugar or starches!!!
  • Weigh yourself every day; you must remain within 2 pounds of your last injection day weight.
  • If your weight goes over or under by 2 pounds from your last injection day, you must do a steak day. A steak day consists of skipping breakfast and skipping lunch, drinking plenty of fluids (water, coffee, tea) all day, and eating a 14 oz. steak for dinner with a tomato, or followed by an apple.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of water a day; keep drinking 2 glasses of water before each meal.
  • Use any lotions and cosmetics you like!
  • Dairy and nuts can be eaten in moderation, about 1-2 servings a day.
  • There are no strict limitations on protein, but try to choose lean cuts of meat.
  • Eat breakfast within an hour of waking (make sure you eat a protein with breakfast, it’ll keep you full longer).
  • Resume regular exercise.
  • Eat low GI fruits include apples, oranges, peaches, pears and berries.
  • Watch your portion size!

Examples of Simple Carbohydrates (sugars):

White sugar, brown sugar, honey, maple syrup, molasses, corn syrup, beer (contains barley malt), sweet white wines, or hard liquor (red wine is ok), fruit juice (high in fructose).

Examples of Complex Carbohydrates (Starches):

Grains (even “whole” grains), rice, cereals, flour, cornstarch, breads, pastas, muffins, bagels, crackers, and “starchy” vegetables such as: slow-cooked beans (pinto, lima, black beans), carrots, parsnips, corn, peas, potatoes, French fries, and potato chips.

Fruits and Veggies to Enjoy:

  • Rhubarb
  • Strawberries
  • Cranberries
  • Raspberries

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