Frequently Asked Questions about HCG Injections

What is HCG?

HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, a hormone normally found in both men and women in small amounts. It is produced in very high amounts in pregnant women. It is usually prescribed in large doses to treat young males with undescended testicles and infertility in women. In considerably smaller amounts, it is used in very low-calorie diet programs, like the one formed by Dr. Simeon.

How does HCG work?

HCG works on the hypothalamus in the brain to signal release of stored fat into the bloodstream. This released fat is used to provide energy and decrease appetite. This process prevents the breakdown of fats that are essential in normal healthy people, eg intramuscular fat, fat around vital organs, and fat around vessels. This is especially important in a very low-calorie diet because the body will break down fat regardless of its location.

Is injectable HCG safe?

Lipo7.com recommends that you consult your physician prior to beginning any diet. Refer to our diet instructions and medical questionnaire. **Please note that the homeopathic forms of HCG, such as HCG drops, are not regulated and have been rejected by the FDA for any use. 

Why not just go on a 500-calorie per day diet and not do any HCG injections? 

A 500-calorie a day diet is similar to putting your metabolism into starvation mode. Starvation mode won’t discriminate what kinds of fat to mobilize. Thus, vital fat, critical to a healthy human, will be mobilized. This puts vital organs, vessels, and the brain at risk. HCG is believed to mobilize the unnecessary fat that is stored deep in the body in order to safeguard the essential fat. An independent study showed that two groups (one on hcg and one not on hcg) participating in the diet both lost 15 pounds on average in a month. However, after measuring muscle loss, the non-HCG group lost 5 pounds of muscle on average, while the HCG group only lost 2 pounds of muscle. The more muscle a person carries, the easier it is to continue to burn calories at rest, thus ensuring an easier transition when on the HCG diet plan. 

What is the controversy about low-calorie diets using HCG injections? 

In the 1970s, the FDA stated that when HCG was combined with a very low-calorie diet, there were no convincing results when compared to a low-calorie diet alone. That statement is now rejected by modern age specialists, as it is not the weight that is important, but the fat loss. Remember, that initially when there is fat loss, weight may not decrease proportionately. The remaining fat stores are redistributed throughout your body. When your fat “equilibrium” is reestablished, that is when you truly see the results of your hard work on the scale, and in front of the mirror. 

How much can I lose with HCG? 

When combined with the 28-day Dr. Simeon diet and reasonable exercise, injections of HCG (175 IU per day) can result in the loss of 0.5-2lbs per day. 

Can men lose pounds as well, with the HCG low-calorie diet? 

Yes. The fat loss results are similar to those of women. Remember, that at these low doses, risks and side effects are rare in men or women. 

Can I exercise while on the HCG diet? 

Yes. However, it is important to remember that a 500-calorie per day diet limits the body by decreasing the extra energy that food provides. Therefore, exercise is not required. However, if you intend to exercise while on the diet, Lipo7.com recommends adding 200 calories to your food intake, right before exercise (i.e. a protein shake). Another option is modifying your exertion by decreasing it if you typically work out hard, and increasing it mildly if you are usually sedentary. Most importantly, listen to your body and stop or scale back exercise if exhaustion occurs. A good amount of exercise for most people on this diet is 25-30 minutes of daily walking. 

I added 5ml of Bacteriostatic Water in my HCG vial, but it is not full! 

That is correct, you are putting 5ml of bacteriostatic water in the vial. The vial itself is 8ml so it will be just over half full or more accurately, 3ml larger than 5ml. It will last the entire 28-days if it is mixed correctly, in fact, it will last a little longer if you are injecting .17ml as suggested. 17 x’s 28-days is 4.76ml; meaning at the end of 28-days, there will be .24 left over. 

How do I prevent gaining the weight back after the diet is over? 

Learning your body’s response to a low-calorie diet, and understanding the basic principles of this diet will help. Remember, this diet is not just for the quantitative loss of unwanted fat and weight. This diet, if done properly, is designed to change your metabolism by changing your knowledge about fat loss, and your eating habits in general. 

Is HCG approved by the FDA? 

Legal notice and disclaimer; the United States FDA has not approved HCG for use in weight-loss treatments. The use of HCG for weight loss is an “off label” use, which means, that it is considered safe when prescribed by a licensed physician. 

DISCLAIMER: HCG has been approved by the FDA for treatment of other conditions. Therefore, Lipo7.com does not guarantee any specific weight loss results. Information provided on this site is based on analysis of scientific studies, historical research, and results from other HCG patients. 

What are some important things to remember while on this diet? 

—Drink plenty of water. Approximately, 8 to 10 8-ounce glasses of water should be consumed everyday while on this diet. 

—Vitamin replacement is essential. A good B-complex vitamin injection should be sufficient (available on the internet); however, one must remember that potassium can be lost quickly and muscle cramps may occur. Supplemental Vitamin K may be needed. Therefore, one should consult his or her physician prior to taking vitamin K. 

—Consult your physician prior to the HCG diet. Some people do not respond well to a low-calorie diet. It is critical that you fully understand this diet prior to commencing. If you have any questions, consult your physician, call Lipo7.com, or carefully research it on the Internet.  

—Listen to your body. One should not experience any extreme symptoms, eg exhaustion, headaches, nausea, vomiting, or dizziness. Any extreme symptoms must be discussed with a physician. 

— Alcohol consumption during the HCG diet is not recommended by Lipo7.com. However, if you have to drink, clear alcohol, such as gin or vodka, can be consumed in small amounts, being sure to avoid sweet mixers altogether. 

Frequently Asked Questions about Lipotropic Shots 

What is Lipo?  

Lipo is a lipotropic injection designed to help accelerate fat loss. Lipotropics are simply substances that help metabolize fat in the body for use as energy. 

How does Lipo work? 

As previously mentioned, Lipo is a lipotropic injection that contains vitamins and minerals that are known fat burning agents. In addition this, it contains B6 and B12, which not only helps with metabolism, but also helps with energy needs, which can be crucial on a calorie restricted diet. 

Which is better, Lipo or HCG? 

Better is dependent on your individual needs and preferences. The HCG diet program is a short-term program that can help dieters lose massive amounts of fat in as little as a month. The plan does require extremely low calories (500-700) per day, during that time, and HCG is a hormone. Some dieters prefer to have higher calories, or prefer a non-hormonal solution. Lipo shots fills this niche, and also can be done continuously because these are vitamins and minerals that can be found in common everyday foods. 

What kind of program do you recommend on Lipo? 

Since Lipo can be used long-term (our 30ml kits will last 15 weeks), we suggest a diet that is high in protein, moderate to low in fats, and low in carbohydrates, especially simple carbohydrates, such as in sugar, white rice, and other “white” carbs. If you want to add a few carbs to your diet, make sure they come from green vegetable sources and brown grains. You should eat 4 to 5 times per day since this will control blood sugar and kick-start your metabolism. We also advocate some sort of fitness plan that has a combination of cardio and strength training, at least 2-3 times per week. While the calories burned are a benefit, the real benefit comes as your body composition begins to change into a sleeker, more athletic looking, version of yourself. 

How much can I lose on Lipo shots? 

Depending on how much you have to lose, the frequency and content of your meals, and your activity level, many of our customers have reported losing 2-4 pounds per week, with some reporting losses of 5 pounds or more per week. As you continue on the program, you will find your body getting leaner, but the pounds lost may lessen. This is why the scale should be a guide, and the mirror should always be a part of your self-assessment. A 200lb person wearing 40” jeans, and a 200lb person wearing 32” jeans look radically different. 

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