
BuyB12shots.com represents a telemedicine website which provides for prescriptions of HCG Diet & Vitamin injections for supplementation. The Staff Physician will review your medical history to see if you qualify medically for the products you desire. This service is provided at no additional cost.


About Our Company

We have been in the nutrition business since 2007. From our experience, we have determined that our vitamin injections provide the most benefit of all the ones available on the market. We have spent years on the Internet, in an attempt to make our health-related products easily obtainable, as long as the consumer qualifies medically. Our website is 100% HIPAA Compliant, as well as PCI Compliant. Your medical information, as well as credit card or bank account information, is extremely secure with us. We are in the process, currently, of an SSAE 16 Audit (SSAE) No. 16, (Reporting on Controls at a Service Organization), which is the new standard set by the AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants). We are the standard in online health and prescription programs. Our staff physician has been in the field for 19 years and personally reviews every prescription request. We offer secure telephone and online medical consultations to ensure your every question or concern is answered.